Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 25 Mass during the Day

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Mass during the Day

December 25, 2021

Readings (Click here to read full text)
    Reading I: Is 52:7-10
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6.
    Reading II: Heb 1:1-6
    Gospel: Jn 1:1-18

Celebrating Christmas in the Darkness

Today, as we celebrate Christmas in the midst of suffering caused by the coronavirus pandemic and by the super typhoon Odette, we ask ourselves, "How do I see and experience Jesus made flesh in the midst of these painful situations?"
For almost 2 years now, we have been struggling to survive and thrive during this pandemic and had to face a lot of typhoons. With typhoon Odette, our country faced 15 this year. And it is sad to think that the most devasting happens near Christmas. I would like to mention three typhoons. I was there in Cagayan de Oro when typhoon Sendong washed away many houses and people on December 15, 2011. Super Typhoon Pablo hit Southern Mindanao on December 3, 2012. The Super Typhoon Yolanda laid to waste the Visayas islands on November 8, 2013. And just recently, on December 16-17, the Super Typhoon Odette left more than 600,000 of people from North Eastern Mindanao to Southern Visayas to Palawan, suffering at this most special time of the year, when people are already feeling the spirit of Christmas despite the pandemic. You may have already watched the news and seen videos and images of the vast destruction of lives and properties that typhoon Odette caused. Some people are still missing, while others were found dead. Many are left injured in mind, body and spirit with little to no food and water, no roof, no walls on their houses, and almost everything were flattened. The devastation is just so enormous and overwhelming.

In our Gospel today, God, who is the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, came as the true light which enlightens everyone, especially those living in darkness. He was born when the darkness was at its deepest and most intense. The Gospel tells us that He is the light that "shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
Today, many Filipinos, especially the victims of Typhoon Odette, are literally living in the deepest and most intense darkness. Many have had no electricity yet, no shelter, no communications, no food and water for 10 nine days now. I heard in the news that others are now dying because of starvation and dehydration. The relief goods have not reached them. Theirs is a real situation of darkness when Jesus was born, shining so brightly like a noonday sun and making His dwelling among them. 
While this is the truth of Christmas, let us ask ourselves, how can we help them see and experience Jesus’ light shining radiantly in the darkness?  How can we help them see and experience "the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth?"

Fr. Joel R. Lasutaz, SSS

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