Tuesday, December 21, 2021

December 23 Homily

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

December 23, 8th Day of Misa de Aguinaldo 
December 22, 8th Simbang Gabi 

Readings (Click here to read full text.)
    Reading I: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14
    Gospel: Lk 1:57-66

If we can give time for silence and reflection each day, we will be able to see wonderful things from God.
When an angel of the Lord came to Zechariah and told him about God’s plan that they would become parents even in their old age, Zechariah expressed his doubts even after the angel explained everything to him. Because of this, the angel said to him, "and now, you will be silent and unable to speak until this happened." And so, during the whole pregnancy of his wife, Elizabeth, he was silent and could not speak. He was only able to speak again at the naming of the child. According to the Gospel, his first words were in praise of God.
God sometimes allows bad things to happen to us, like what happened to Zechariah, not to punish us, but to give us time to think and reflect on His plans for our lives. Zechariah became mute. It was difficult for him. Just imagine if you suddenly become mute, or blind, or lame. What would you say and do to God? We hear that there are those who have become bitter towards God and blame Him for everything. Some even murmur, "Though I am faithful to God, why did He allow my son to suffer and die.” “Why did God allow Typhoon Odette to devastate the lives of many people, leaving some dead and others, homeless.” “Why did God do such evil things? We complain, while Zechariah did not. He took his sudden disability as a privilege, a time to reflect and pray.
For Zechariah, the angel did not punish him. Instead, it was to give him time to see the wonders God was doing for them, for Israel, and for the rest of humanity. It was in silence that Zachariah was able to reflect and understand with belief everything the angel told him. His first words were in praise of God.
How do you see the untoward things happening in your life and in the lives of many Filipinos? How do you see suffering? Do you see that as God’s punishment? Would you say that God does not care at all? Or perhaps, you would say, there is no God at all.
Our Gospel reminds us to reflect and pray so that we may be able to see the picture of God’s wonderful plan for our lives, a much better plan for us.

Fr. Joel R. Lasutaz, SSS

Image credit: pinterest.com

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