Friday, July 9, 2021

Locked in God's Love

July 10, Saturday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinatry Time

Readings for the Day:
    First Reading: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a
    Responsorial Psalm: 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7
    Gospel: Mt 10:24-33

Reading Speed
    Slow (100 wpm): 3 minutes
    Average (130 wpm): 2.3 minutes
    Fast (160 wpm): 1.9 minutes

A disciple’s vocation is to share the same destiny and undergo the same ill treatment as his master. Just as Jesus carried the cross, so also a  disciple must embrace and carry his cross. No pupil is greater than his teacher. A disciple’s vocation is not only to share the glory but also the  suffering and agony of Jesus. To have to sacrifice for the faith is to share the sacrifice of Jesus.

Disciples is not for the weak and the afraid. It is for the daring and the brave. SO DO NOT BE AFRAID. Why? Even when there is persecution, suffering, serious personal problem, severe pain, rejection or frustration. God is still with us and in control of our life and our future. God knows our pain and will comfort us. God sees our sufferings and will console us. God hears our cry and will attend to our supplication. God knows what we lack and will supply our need. Trust in God’s providence, which is evident in God’s care even for the smallest. No one drifts away from the love and care of God. At all times we are all in God’s hands. We are forever surrounded by God’s care. We are very important to God. Of all God’s creatures, we are the most special. God will do everything for our salvation, for our safety in life. God is most concerned with our well-being; God’s only desire is our entry to heaven, to be in God’s kingdom. God makes everything possible so that we can find God, return to and be with God. But we have to do something. 

Let us bring everything to Jesus, in the Eucharist we celebrate. And as Jesus assures us, “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” Amen.

Rev. Joseph Casiao, SSS

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