Thursday, July 22, 2021

God Employs Improper Way of Farming

Friday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 23, 2021

    First Reading: Ex 20:1-17
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11
    Gospel: Mt 13:18-23

Word Count: 339
   Slow (100 wpm): 3.4 minutes
   Average (130 wpm): 2.6 minutes
   Fast (160 wpm): 2.1 minutes

Jesus’ explanation on the meaning of The Parable of the Sower focuses on the quality of the ground where the seeds were sown.  Jesus made it easy for us to understand that the ground are the people who received the Word of the Kingdom that was sown. By this explanation, Jesus made clear what kind of farmer is the Sower. Well, the parable itself is called “The Parable of the Sower.”
Looking back to last Wednesday Mass, when the Gospel was about the Parable itself,  Jesus started by saying; “A sower went out to sow.” He did not mind where the seeds would go.  He just threw it everywhere; along the path, on rocky ground, among thorns and on good soil. He did not think about what will happen to the seeds, if it will just go to waste or will grow and bear fruits.  He just sow it anyway to every kind of ground.  

As Jesus explained it today, we understand that the seeds are the Word of the Kingdom and the ground are the people and the Sower is God, or we can say that Jesus is the sower.  The way Jesus sowed the seeds is not the proper way a good farmer would do. Thanks be to God for that.  God intentionally does not employ the farmers’ way of sowing seeds to sow the seeds of the Kingdom because He is a gracious God who is unconditional to everyone. God sowed the seeds of the Kingdom to everyone without selecting who is the best, who is more righteous, more pious, more faithful, more prayerful.  He is sowing His word, His blessings, His grace to everyone, poor and rich,  sinners and saints alike.
How are you sowing the seeds of the Kingdom?  How are you sharing the good things God has given you?  Are you helping only those who can help you back? Or are you sowing the seeds of your  blessings to those whom the society thinks as not deserving and unworthy? 

Fr. Joel R. Lasutaz, SSS

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